A wise man once said that any racing event worth its while must last a minimum of five years. This proverbial line in the sand has always been a solid measuring mark as it is a point that many big money specials and series fail to make. Enter the Ironman race. The Iron Man 100 has had a very topsy-turvy path that it has traveled since its beginning. Look at the race format itself, originally, it was the Iron Man 40/40 challenge (2018) which was a 40 lap feature. Then it switched to the 100 laps in 2019.
The path for this IMCA modified special hasn't been an easy one though. It has faced challenges such as the Covid pandemic, extreme 100 degree heat waves, the format changing, tire shortages, and so forth. Yet, throughout all of these challenges it has consistently brought the fans and drivers strong fields of cars and drivers. Whether it be the quality of the field or the overall quantity of the field this race has yet to fail to produce a weekend race where the fans have something to talk about.
This year looks to be no different as the early rumored drivers who are to be in attendance should provide another solid field. North Dakota will have a strong representation as some of the very best drivers in state will be making their way to Mandan. The locals also look to defend their home turf from the invading drivers and Dacotah Speedway has no slouches as they have some of the toughest competition week in and week out. Sprinkle in a few travelers and you have a combination of drivers that will make for an excellent weekend.
Oddly, during its history, no driver from North Dakota has been able to be the victor of this unique race event. The winning drivers so far have been: 2018 Tom Berry Jr. (Des Moines, IA), 2019 Ricky Thornton Jr. (Adel, IA), 2020 Covid (China), 2021 Kolin Hibdon (Pahrump, NV). It should also be noted that no driver has ever won from the pole in this event as well. This will be a drivers race as taking care of the tires will be one of the biggest factors that will face them. The drivers and crews will also have to make some big decisions at the mid race pitstop. Do they just top off with fuel or do they throw on a new tire and give up their current position? Only time will tell but it certainly is one of the exciting factors that makes this race so unique.
The action kicks off Thursday night as the a Test n Tune is scheduled from 5:30 to 9:00. Friday night has twin IMCA modified features which will be used to help set the starting grid for the big 100 lap feature on Saturday. Friday night will also see the Wissota street stocks and INEX legends racing as well as racing kicks off at 7:00. Saturday is the big 100 lap feature for the IMCA modifieds (bmains will be ran if needed). The IMCA sport compacts, hobby stocks, and the IMCA sport mods will be in attendance as well. This will mark one of only two times that the IMCA sport mods will be joining the racing program at Dacotah Speedway and it looks to be a solid field of sport mods. Racing on Saturday will be starting at 7:00 as well, tickets are available at Red Carpet Carwashes ahead of the races or they can be purchased at the gate.